People Who Graduate College Dont Ever Pick Up a Book Again

This is a web site for 'Serious Readers.' We are, it seems, an endangered species or anachronism (can you say "Dinosaur"?). Claire Belinski in 'Is America Doomed, Office 3' cited's 'Reading Books Is In Decline' for the following figures:

33% of high school graduates never read another book the residuum of their lives and 42% of college grads never read some other book after college. 70% of US adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years and eighty% of United states families did not purchase or read a volume final year.

Ouch. Do yous find these statistics believable? Why or why not?

Five more statistic-laden articles about reading in the Us and across can establish after the jump, to include one that notes the consequence of theHarry Potter book releases on children's book sales in any given year.

How Many Books Does the Boilerplate American Read? (

  • Women (75%) read more men (73%)

  • The younger people are the more they read18-29: 84%30-49: 74%50-64: 71%and only 67% of 65+ years reported they have read a book

  • The college the education, the more people read (non really surprising, 92% of College graduates said they have read a book in the past year compared to 40% of adults with an education less than high schoolhouse)

  • White people read more black people who read more than Hispanics

  • The more than y'all larn (read) the more y'all earn – The statistic shows a clear relationship between the boilerplate salary and the number of books someone reads

  • Printed books are still the past far the commencement option when it comes to reading – accept a look at the statistics below

Who Doesn't Read Books in America? (

Although the differences are less pronounced, not-volume reading does vary by gender, age and customs blazon.

The share of Americans who report not reading any books in the past 12 months is higher today than it was almost a decade ago – though there has been some fluctuation over this fourth dimension menstruum. Today, 27% of adults say they have not read any books in the past year, up from xix% in 2011, but identical to the share who said this in 2015.

The aforementioned demographic traits that characterize non-book readers also often apply to those who have never been to a library. In a 2016 survey, nosotros found that Hispanics, older adults, those living in households earning less than $xxx,000 and those who accept a high school diploma or did not graduate from high school are the most likely to report they take never been to a public library.

However, a 2015 survey found that some of these aforementioned demographic groups acknowledged the importance of libraries in their communities and for their families: Black and Hispanic adults, those in lower-income households and adults ages xxx and older were more probable to say that their local libraries serve them and their families "very well."

How Many Books Did the Average American Read in the Last Year? (

According to Pew Research, there has been a moderate increase of Americans who listen to audiobooks, from 14 percent in 2016 to 18 pct in 2018. Which ways that nearly one in five Americans now mind to audiobooks —with 29 percent of readers at present reading some combination of both impress and digital books, versus 39 percentage who read merely physical books.

The Reject of the American Book Lover (The Atlantic, 2014)

Book and Reading Statistics (

I experience like I'm preaching to the choir, telling this site's readers how proficient reading is for you. We've already talked about the ways reading makes y'all smarter, just does it make you lot happier?

Adults who read for 30 minutes a week reported feeling 20% more than satisfied with their lives in the latest Quick Reads study. 40% of people in that same study claimed "lack of time" was the primary reason they didn't read, but the first study quoted in this commodity shows us that people in the U.Southward. spend ten times more time watching TV than reading.

One study showed reading reduces stress by 68 percent, more than and so than listening to music, having a cup of tea, or taking a walk.

So if you're feeling stressed or dissatisfied, consider putting down the remote and picking up a book instead.

Equally a volume nerd whose second language is Excel, I loved compiling these reading statistics, but my favorite matter most it was seeing the CEO of the UK's Publishing Association attribute a noticeable dip in children's book sales to the lack of a Harry Potter release that year.


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