How to Decorate Your Dorm for Christmas

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Seasons greetings! The holidays are almost here, and we are so excited! And sure, we've got our minds on vacay, but we're also dreaming of all the fun ways we celebrate.

Christmas decorations for your dorm room

One of our favorites is decorating. That's right -- just because you live in a tiny dorm room doesn't mean you can't get into the spirit. Here are 8 ideas to make your dorm room festive and bright.

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Twinkling Lights

The easiest way to give your dorm room a makeover is to change up the lighting. Grab a few strands of Christmas lights and go nuts! Line the ceilings! Make a cool ceiling display above your bed. They're so inexpensive and easy to find that you can do just about anything with your favorite lights!

Christmas tree icon

Mini Trees

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a tree! Grab a mini-sized one from your favorite store and add on tiny ornaments. If you're more of a DIY-er or want a fun party game, you can cut out a large-sized tree and ornaments using felt fabric. Play pin the star on the tree or make ornaments featuring the faces of your friends.

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Door Decor

If your residence hall encourages you to customize your dorm door, this is your time to shine! Grab some rolls of wrapping paper and gift wrap it up. Add stockings full of treats for your neighbors or make a chalkboard snowman for friends to write messages on.Fake Fireplace You can't beat a decoration you just turn on! While you can't have a space heater, mobile fireplace in your dorm room, you can bring in the ambiance by turning your TV into a cozy hearth. Netflix and Youtube offer countless different versions of hours-long fireplace videos complete with soundtracks and carols -- perfect for parties or long nights studying.

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Snow on the Windows

If you're a transplant from colder climates or you love the look of snow in the winter, you can make your own using snow spray or frosted aerosol that wipes clean when you're done. It gives the room a cool, chilly glow, even if it's still in the 70s or even 80s outside.

pine cone closeup

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Smelling Like the Season

You can't talk about the season without discussing all the awesome smells that make you think of holidays at home. From cookies to cinnamon, everyone's got their favorite holiday scent. Bring in a few flameless candles or use a wax warmer to bring in that homey vibe.

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Custom Wreaths

Wreaths are an easy way to decorate your room while also allowing you to show off your personality and creativity. Purchase a base wreath from a crafting store and then use a glue gun to add tinsel, ornaments, pictures, wooden monograms, ribbon, etc. It's your look, so make it reflect who you are!

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Burst of Christmas Color

When we think of Christmas, we think of red, green, and white. You can add these pops to a dorm room with throw pillows, area rugs, window hangings, and wall decor. You can also add jewel tones like silver and gold with ribbon wreaths, desk accessories, and lighting. Visit Pinterest for even more color-based inspiration!

Finals can take their toll on your holiday spirits. Ensure that you enjoy some holiday activities and keep the spirit alive by decorating your dorm room. You can keep it within a budget and have the best room in your hall!

How to Decorate Your Dorm for Christmas


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