Dr Oz and Cancer Diet
Dr. Oz Show: Cancer-Proof Your LIfe (videos)
Dr. Oz Show: Cancer-Proof Your LIfe (videos)
"70% of cancer are linked to life style factors and avoidable." - Dr. Mehmet Oz
- Dr. Oz Show: "Cancer-Proof Your LIfe" www.DoctorOz.com
- The Angiogenesis Foundation: "Eat to Defeat Cancer" www.angio.org
The Dr. Oz Show : (Ep. 2046 - 11/18/10) "Cancer-Proof Your Life"
Your ultimate anti-cancer guide: the 5 biggest risks; top 4 anti-cancer superfoods; cancer prevention quiz; the #1 cancer you can avoid.
5 Biggest Risks for Women Over 40
1. Pancreatic Cancer
- Diabetes type 2, high blood sugar and insulin promote cancer growth.
2. Colon Cancer
- Calcium Deficiency, calcium binds to carcinogens in the colon and helps excrete them.
3. Head and Neck Cancer
- Advanced Gum Disease, increased risk because of low estrogen, makes it easy for viruses and bacteria to get into the soft tissues of the head and neck, infection and inflammation sets stage for cells to go awry and turn into cancer.
4. Ovarian Cancer
- Diet High in Processed Meats, Preservatives nitrates and nitrites converted into carcinogens that damage DNA.
5. Breast Cancer
- Dense Breast, 5 times risk factor, diet can influence density of breast, lower fat and carbohydrate can lower density.
Anti-Cancer Superfoods (cancer fighters)
#1 Papaya: Lycopene, reduce cervical cancer.
#2 Omega 3 fatty acids: Starves tumor cells, reduce breast cancer.
#3 Cashews: Proantho-cyanidins, reduce colon cancer.
#4 Beats: Betanins, dark red color, reduce kidney cancer.
The #1 Cancer You Can Avoid
Skin Cancer, Melanoma
- Less ozone and lack of vitamin D may contribute, need sunscreen.
- Red or blue clothing block more than white or yellow clothing.
- Melanoma on scalp twice likely to kill, need hat.
- UV light, skin tanning and nail dryers may contribute.
3 Simple Ways to Cancer-Proof Your Life
1. Drink Caffeinated Coffee
- 2 cups colon 25%, uterine, 3 cups breast, 4 cups head and neck 39%, 5 cups brain 40%, 6 cups prostate 60%. - Theory, coffee stimulates suicide of cancer cells.
2. Open Your Windows
- Air inside home 5 times more contaminated.
- Radon odorless radioactive gas after smoking probably leading cause of lung cancer.
- Formaldehyde air pollutant is linked to leukemia.
3. Filter Your Tap Water
- Bladder and colon cancer reduced by filtered water.
Which is Better? Beat Cancer Before it Begins
- Beer protects against bacteria and may protect against stomach cancer and ulcers.
- Sauerkraut, fermenting unlocks stronger anti-carcinogenic elements.
- Magnesium, lowers risk of colon cancer in women.
In case you Missed It...
Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
- linked to cancer and pancreatic cancer.
Papayas & Cashews
- reduce risk of cervical and colon cancer.
Avoid UV Light Nail Dryers
- cancer under finger nails.
Caffeinated Coffee
- instead of decaf.
Your 5 Biggest Cancer Risks, Pt. 1
The best way to fight cancer is to focus on prevention. Dr. Oz shows you the 5 hidden cancer risks for women over 40. Learn the clues to look for and...
1. Pancreatic Cancer
- Diabetes type 2.
- High blood sugar and insulin promote cancer growth.
- One visible symptom to an unhealthy liver and possible pancreatic cancer is jaundice or yellow eyes "one of the first things we notice".
Your 5 Biggest Cancer Risks, Pt. 2
The best way to fight cancer is to focus on prevention. Dr. Oz shows you the 5 hidden cancer risks for women over 40. Learn the clues to look for and...
2. Colon Cancer
- Calcium Deficiency.
- The immune system needs calcium to kill cancer cells.
- Calcium binds to carcinogens in the colon and helps excrete them.
- Dr. OZ's Daily Calcium Cocktail: 600 mg Calcium, 400 mg Magnesium, 1,000 iu Vitamin D
3. Head and Neck Cancer
- Advanced Gum Disease.
- Increased risk because of low estrogen for women.
- Periodontitis makes it easy for viruses and bacteria to get into the soft tissues of the head and neck, infection and inflammation sets stage for cells to go awry and turn into cancer.
4. Ovarian Cancer
- Diet High in Processed Meats.
- Preservatives nitrates and nitrites converted into carcinogens that damage healthy DNA, damaged DNA increases chance of cancer.
Your 5 Biggest Cancer Risks, Pt. 3
The best way to fight cancer is to focus on prevention. Dr. Oz shows you the 5 hidden cancer risks for women over 40. Learn the clues to look for and...
5. Breast Cancer
- Dense Breast.
- 5 times risk factor, diet can influence density of breast, lower fat and carbohydrate can lower density.
Anti-Cancer Superfoods, Pt. 1
Mother Nature has laced many foods with the same molecules researchers are studying to develop cancer-fighting drugs. Discover the natural ingredient...
- Papaya.
- Papaya contains lycopene like tomatoes but also contains two more cancer fighters, rutin and crypto?.
- One or more papaya a week can lower the risk of cervical cancer, study.
- Omega 3 fatty acids.
- Cancer fighter that starves tumor cells.
- 8 or 9 shrimp a day can reduce risk of breast cancer, study.
Anti-Cancer Superfoods, Pt. 2
Mother Nature has laced many foods with the same molecules researchers are studying to develop cancer-fighting drugs. Discover the natural ingredient...
- Cashews.
- Contains a cancer fighter called Proantho-cyanidins, which starves tumor and prevent cancer cells from dividing.
- 12 cashews a day can reduce the risk of colon cancer, study.
- Beats.
- Contains a cancer fighter called Betanins, it's what gives beats their dark rich red color.
- Betanins starve tumor cells and prevent cancer cells from dividing.
- 1/4 cup a day can reduce the risk of kidney cancer, study.
The #1 Cancer You Can Avoid
Every hour, 1 person will die from this cancer, but it's mostly preventable. See the simple steps you can take. Are you doing all you can to...
- Over 1 million people are diagnosed with this common cancer every year.
- Almost 1 person dies from it every hour.
Skin Cancer, Melanoma
- Places with less ozone, the ozone layer, allowing more UV, which affects the skin may contribute.
- A lack of vitamin D from sunlight may contribute.
- The color of your clothing can protect you.
- Red or blue clothing block more than white or yellow clothing.
- Melanoma on scalp twice likely to kill, need hat.
- Pedicures can increase risk, the UV dryer may be linked.
- UV light, skin tanning and nail dryers may contribute.
Cancer-Proof Your Life: Hidden Risks and Prevention
Best Bets to Fight Cancer
Learn your best bets to beat cancer. The things you eat and drink every day could be affecting your risk level. Are you making the right choices?
Which is Better? Beat Cancer Before it Begins
1. Beer or Milk?
- Beer.
- Beer protects against bacteria and may protect against stomach cancer and ulcers.
2. Cabbage or Sauerkrault?
- Sauerkraut.
- Sauerkraut, fermenting unlocks stronger anti-carcinogenic elements.
3. Vitamin A or Magnesium?
- Magnesium.
- Magnesium, lowers risk of colon cancer in women.
Swaps to Prevent Cancer
These simple, everyday swaps will help cut your cancer risk. Should you drink regular or decaf coffee? Leave your windows open or closed? The answers...
1. Decaf Coffee or Regular Coffee?
- Drink Caffeinated Coffee.
- 2 cups colon 25%, uterine, 3 cups breast, 4 cups head and neck 39%, 5 cups brain 40%, 6 cups prostate 60%.
- Theory, coffee stimulates suicide of cancer cells.
2. Windows Opened or Windows Closed
- Open Your Windows
- The EPA claims the air inside the home is 5 times more contaminated than the air outside.
- Lung cancer and leukemia.
- Radon, an odorless radioactive gas is probably leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
- Formaldehyde, an air pollutant is linked to leukemia.
3. Bottled Water or Filtered Water
- Filter Your Tap Water
- Filtered water is safe, bottled water are not forced to disclose their content and source, and can be contaminated.
- Bladder and colon cancer are reduced by filtered water.
Ask Dr. Oz: Anti-Cancer Edition, Pt. 1
A big part of cancer prevention is getting all the right information and taking the proper steps. Self-screenings, symptom identification, knowing...
Where is cancer most commonly found in men and women, where is it most deadly?
- Lung cancer is most deadly cancer for men and women.
- Breast cancer is very common for women.
- 3 tools for early detection of breast cancer; self exam, doctor exam, digital mammography.
- 10% of ovarian cancer is linked to heredity.
Ask Dr. Oz: Anti-Cancer Edition, Pt. 2
A big part of cancer prevention is getting all the right information and taking the proper steps. Self-screenings, symptom identification, knowing...
Lung Cancer
- Lung cancer is the number 1 cause of deaths in women and men.
- Radon Gas, a radioactive gas found in home basements is linked to lung cancer.
Lung Cancer Symptoms
- Persistent Cough.
- Coughing up Blood.
- Shortness of Breath.
- Weight Loss.
Colon Cancer
- What causes colon cancer, genetics and toxins.
Ask Dr. Oz: Anti-Cancer Edition, Pt. 3
A big part of cancer prevention is getting all the right information and taking the proper steps. Self-screenings, symptom identification, knowing...
Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer
- Bloating
- Increased Abdominal size
- Abdominal Pain
- Pelvic Pain
- Difficulty Eating
- Feeling Full Quickly
Obesity can increase the risk of cancer in men by 14% and in women by 20%.
Ask Oz: Cancer Prevention Clinic, Pt. 1
You have the power to prevent cancer. Arm yourself with lifesaving information. Here, an audience member and cancer survivor Asks Dr. Oz: Could my...
AntiCancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, Ph.D brain cancer survivor.
- Things that we can do to help slow down the growth of cancer in the body include eating more vegetables, reducing sugar, eating more fatty fish omega 3, and drinking 3 cups of green tea a day.
Ask Oz: Cancer Prevention Clinic, Pt. 2
You have the power to prevent cancer. Arm yourself with lifesaving information. Here, an audience member and concerned wife Asks Dr. Oz: My husband...
Oral Cancer
- 90% of mouth cancer occurs in people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco.
Esophagus Cancer
- If the acid flows back into the Esophagus, the acid destroys the cells and inflames them, they turn into cancer, and they spread through the wall.
- Alcohol by irritation creates inflammation and every cancer requires inflammation to stimulate the multiplication of cells, and to invade neighboring tissue.
- Inflammation needs to be reduced in the body linked to nutrition, exercise, stress management, avoiding contaminants like tobacco, alcohol, and chemicals that can stimulate inflammation.
Ask Oz: Cancer Prevention Clinic, Pt. 3
You have the power to prevent cancer. Arm yourself with lifesaving information. Here, an audience member Asks Dr. Oz: Do physical activity and yoga...
Breast Cancer
- Exercise hugely effective at reducing the risk of cancer.
- Exercise decreases the risk of breast cancer and other cancers.
- Exercise boost T-Cells a key immune cell that helps you battle against cancer.
- Fat on the body can create hormones like estrogen, which may stimulate some cancers.
- Vitamin D decreases risk of breast cancer by up to 50% in some studies.
Ask Oz: Cancer Prevention Clinic, Pt. 4
You have the power to prevent cancer. Arm yourself with lifesaving information. Here, Dr. Oz goes inside the body to explain colon cancer. And if you...
Colon Cancer
- David Servan-Schreiber, MD, Ph.D brain cancer survivor
- "so Dave, inflammation is one of the things you deal with a lot, I know that's how you beat cancer, if you had it it's how you prevent it at the beginning."
- One of the ways to reduce inflammation in the colon is to cut down on red meat, red meat stimulates inflammation in the colon.
- By eating 80% vegetables the good plant based chemicals will help reduce the inflammation.
- If you have risk of cancer in the family, an aspirin a day, it can help reduce the inflammation that we think is linked to this.
Ovarian Cancer
- Genetic play a big role.
- Turmeric in the lab specifically kills ovarian cancer cells.
Ask Oz: Cancer Prevention Clinic, Pt. 5
You have the power to prevent and detect cancer. Here, a cancer survivor and Dr. Oz success story shares how what she learned on The Dr. Oz Show...
Skin Cancer
- The number one way to prevent melanoma from spreading in your body is to be proactive.
- Change is the first warning signs and if caught early melanoma is almost 90% treatable.
The Cancer Doctors Fear Most: Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is the cancer doctors fear most, but a new breakthrough could change everything. Dr. Oz investigates a vaccine that could spell hope for those suffering. Worried about your risk? Here are 4 of the 5 top risk factors for pancreatic cancer:
1. Smoking
2. Family history
3. Race
4. Soda drinker
Pancreatic Cancer Breakthrough, Pt. 1
Pancreatic cancer is the cancer doctors fear most, but a new breakthrough could change everything. Dr. Oz investigates a vaccine that could spell...
It grows silently for decades and by the time you know something is wrong it's too late.
- Fewer than 5% of patients diagnosed with this lethal cancer will be alive after 5 years.
- Pancreatic tumors grow very slowly and can grow for 10-20 years, this opens the door for early diagnosis.
Pancreatic Cancer Breakthrough, Pt. 2
Pancreatic cancer is the cancer doctors fear most, but a new breakthrough could change everything. Dr. Oz investigates a vaccine that could spell...
- There's no good early detection for pancreatic cancer so often when it is diagnosed it is too late.
- Only 15% of patients are candidates for surgical intervention.
Warning Signs
What's the number 1 warning sign?
1. If you have unexplained upper abdominal pain, if it radiates to the back that would be a red flag to see a doctor.
2. Joundice, yellow eyes.
3. White clay looking stool.
4. The urine turns dark.
Pancreatic Cancer Breakthrough, Pt. 3
Pancreatic cancer is the cancer doctors fear most, but a new breakthrough could change everything. Dr. Oz investigates a vaccine that could spell...
- Discussion about pancreatic treatment and vaccines.
- Experimental therapies and some results, some patient have been cancer free for 12 years.
- Vaccine being tested at John Hopkins Hospital.
- Could this be a game changer for other cancers as well, the same way you can wake up the immune system to a deadly pancreatic cancer cell, could you do it for other cancers?
- The approach for this vaccine is being tested for breat cancer, prostate cancer, melanoma, colon cancer, and others.
Here are 4 of the 5 top risk factors for pancreatic cancer:
1. Smoking
2. Family history
3. Race
4. Soda drinker
- Smoking, chemicals inhaled increase the chance of pancreatic cancer.
- Family history,should be enroled in early screening.
- Race, african americans increased risk possibly due to genetics, environmental, diabetes, obesity, vitamin D defficiency.
Important Cancer Information:
- Soda drinker, may be due to sugar, a recent study showed that if you drink more than 2 soda drinks per week that can almost double your risk of pancreatic cancer.
The #1 Pancreatic Cancer Risk Factor
Are you at risk for pancreatic cancer? Learn the biggest risk factor and what you can do to avoid it. Click here to learn about breakthroughs in...
- The number 1 pancreatic cancer risk factor, Diabetes.
- Diabetes is a condition that 25 million people is the U.S. have.
- Diabetes is caused by a problem with insulin, and insulin is created in the pancrease.
- Pancreatic cancer can cause diabetes, diabetes can cause pancreatic cancer.
- Uncontrolled diabetes can damage the pancrease and other organs.
- Insulin stimulates more cell creation, the scavenger cells get overwhelmed, when the cancer cell take root in the fabric of the organ it's too later.
- The big message for people with type 2 diabetes is that you can reverse or prevent the risk by lifestyle changes, it can eliminate that risk factor.
Diagnostic Tests:
- CAT Scans
- Endoscopic ultra sound
Important Cancer Information:
- *Overwhelming the body can lead to cancer*
- Insulin stimulates more cell creation, the scavenger cells get overwhelmed, when the cancer cell take root in the fabric of the organ it's too later.
The Future of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine
"Pancreas cancer vaccines activate the immune system and lead immune cells, typically unable to detect cancer, to attack the cancer cells in the pancreas and throughout the body. With promising results from early vaccine studies, including a modest, but real improvement in survival time, the investigators continue to study the efficacy of the vaccine."
"The treatment vaccine uses irradiated pancreas cancer cells that are incapable of growing, and have been genetically altered to secrete a molecule called GM-CSF. This molecule acts as a lure to attract immune system cells to the site of the tumor vaccine, where they encounter proteins called antigens on the surface of the irradiated cells. Then, these newly armed immune cells patrol the rest of the patient's body to destroy any remaining, circulating pancreas cancer cells."
Ask Dr. Oz Cancer Edition
Three top cancer experts answer your biggest questions. Get everything you need to know to prevent and treat cancer. Plus, see the superstar vegetables you should be eating.
Ask Dr. Oz: Cancer Edition, Pt. 1
Three top cancer experts answer your biggest questions. Get everything you need to know to prevent and treat cancer. Plus, see the superstar...
A whole body approach for treating cancer.
- Pain Management
- Stress Management
- Nutrition
- Acupuncture
- Meditation
- Yoga
3 Top Cancer Experts
- Dr. Steven Standiford, MD National Director of Cancer Treatment Centers of America
- Dr. Deborah Axelrod, MD Director of Clinical Breast Programs and Services at NYU Cancer Institute
- Rachel Beller, RD Nutritionist, A Spoke's Person for the American Cancer Society
Lung Cancer
1. Smoking
2. Radon
3. Asbestos
4. "Alfa 1 Anti..Tripsin..?" Deficiency
- A genetic condition, 70% higher risk of developing lung cancer.
- An enzyme in the lungs that removes other enzymes which can become toxic and damage the lungs.
- A blood test can identify this condition, and injections can help or treat this condition.
Ask Dr. Oz: Cancer Edition, Pt. 2
Three top cancer experts answer your biggest questions. Get everything you need to know to prevent and treat cancer. Plus, see the superstar...
The Ultimate Cancer Fighting Vitamin You Could Be Missing
- Superstar cancer fighting vegetables can become even more effective at fighting cancer by adding an anti-inflammation spice mix.
Anti-Inflammatory Magic Mix
- 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp garlic salt
- Turmeric
- Black Pepper
- Ground Garlic
Matcha Green Tea
- You need to drink 4-7 cups of green tea a day to make a difference health wise.
- Matcha Green Tea is more concentrated and 1/2 tea spoon can be the equivalent of 8-10 cups of green tea.
- Matcha Green Tea is the leaves that have been ground up.
Important Cancer Information
Reducing inflammation is an important part preventing and reducing the risk of cancer.
Ask Dr. Oz: Cancer Edition, Pt. 3
Three top cancer experts answer your biggest questions. Get everything you need to know to prevent and treat cancer. Plus, see the superstar...
- Some vegetables are better when they are slightly cooked.
- Tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms, and others.
- Cooking vegetables can reduce bacteria.
- Reducing sugar and sugar spikes can affect the immune system and cancer.
The Top Cancer-Fighting Foods
Cancer prevention may be as easy as a trip to the grocery store. Learn the top 5 foods you should add to your diet. Are you doing your best to...
Name That Cancer Fighting Food
1. Native to South America, rich in lycopene, a plant chemical that has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate, ovarian, and cervical cancer?
- clue #1, this food comes in both yellow & red varieties.
- clue #2, the french believe this food had aphrodisiac qualities & called them pommes d'amour.
- clue #3, there is often confusion as to whether this food is a fruit or a vegetable.
- Tomatoes
2. This member of the cabbage family contains the antioxidant sulforaphane, which has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer in mice?
- clue #1, this vegetable can grow in different colors including light green & purple.
- clue #2, one serving of this vegetable provides nearly 100% of your daily recommended vitamin c.
- clue #3, this food can take on the appearance of a tree.
- Cauliflower
3. This food is rich in foliate, B complex vitamins, it can protect against mutations of DNA that cause cancer.
- clue #1, this vegetable is considered one of the most nutrient-rich foods.
- clue #2, some people are genetically predisposed to dislike the bitter taste of this vegetable.
- clue #3, this leafy green vegetable gave a famous cartoon character his strength.
- Spinach
The 5 Foods for Better Health
1. Cooked Asian Mushrooms
2. Whole Soy Foods
3. Cruciferous Vegetables
4. Healthy Fats
5. Whole and Cracked Grains
click on the link to read more.
5 Foods That Starve Cancer
1. Bok Choy, brassinin.
2. Cooked Tomatoes, lycopene.
3. Flounder, omega 3.
4. Strawberries
5. Artichokes, 3 different cancer-fighting molecules.
- Bok Choy; contains brassinin, also found in broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
- Cooked Tomatoes; contains lycopene, heating the tomato make the benefits more readily available to your body.
- Flounder; contains omega-3 fatty acids, low in mercury.
- Strawberries; contain antioxidants that help fight cancers.
- Artichokes; contain 3 different cancer-fighting molecules.
click on the link to read more.
Cancer-Fighting Food Combinations
Do you know which dynamic duos can help prevent cancer? See how you can enhance the health benefits of chicken, avocado and more.
Do you know which dynamic duos can help prevent cancer? See how you can enhance the health benefits of chicken, avocado and more.
Cancer Fighting Power Couples
1. Chicken and Broccoli
- Broccoli contains sulforaphane which helps prevent breast cancer.
- Chicken has selenium which does the same.
- Together they are 3 times more effective than taking them alone.
2. Avocado and Salsa
- The fat in the avocado helps you absorb up to 5 times more lecopene from the salsa.
3. Yellow Onions and Turmeric
- Helps prevent pre-cancerous colon polyps.
4. Watercress and Salmon
- Watercress helps prevent cancer and salmon omega 3, they do the exact same thing, it decreases the rate of leukemia and kidney cancer.
What You Can Eat to Defeat Cancer
Angiogenesis Makes Cancer Dangerous
Foods That Fight Cancer
"Anti-angiogenesis, the starving of cancers by cutting off its blood supply, now a proven cancer-fighting strategy in cancer clinics supported by a growing body of scientific research,"
"Many healthy foods contain bioactive compounds – specific substances that affect the body in certain ways, such as lowering blood pressure or cholesterol, or mopping up cancer-promoting free oxygen radicals, or inhibiting angiogenesis."
anti-angiogenesis foods include:
- Green tea
- Strawberries
- Soybeans
- Chocolate
- Cinnamon
The Angiogenesis Foundation
Eat to Defeat Cancer: A New Way to Fight Cancer
"At the Angiogenesis Foundation, we are launching an ambitious new initiative, called Eat to Defeat Cancer, to help people take advantage of foods that fight cancer."
click on the link to read more.
Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid
The Angiogenesis Foundation:Eat to Defeat Cancer
Stop Cancer From Growing: Anti-Angiogenesis
Anti-angiogenesis, the "starving' of deadly cancer cells, is a groundbreaking cancer-fighting strategy. Angiogenesis is the body's way of...
What You Can Eat to Defeat Cancer
Foods That Fight Cancer
"Anti-angiogenesis, the starving of cancers by cutting off its blood supply, now a proven cancer-fighting strategy in cancer clinics supported by a growing body of scientific research, is migrating to the grocery store and farmer's market.
Many healthy foods contain bioactive compounds – specific substances that affect the body in certain ways, such as lowering blood pressure or cholesterol, or mopping up cancer-promoting free oxygen radicals, or inhibiting angiogenesis."
Examples of cancer fighting, anti-angiogenesis foods include:
- Green tea
- Strawberries
- Soybeans
- Chocolate
- Cinnamon
Some fruits and vegetables are much more potent than others, based on their anti-angiogenesis profiles.
- Red Delicious and Granny Smith apples have twice as many cancer fighters as Fuji or Golden Delicious apples.
- The San Marzano tomato contains more cancer fighters than any other variety.
- Wine grapes grown in cooler climates have more cancer fighters than grapes grown in warmer climates.
- Broccoli sprouts can contain more cancer-fighting properties than regular broccoli.
- Dunking a tea bag up and down releases more cancer-fighting molecules than letting the bag just sit in the cup.
- Raw tomatoes are good, but cooking them in olive oil is better.
- Chewing leafy greens helps to release enzymes that activate cancer-fighting molecules embedded deep in the leaves.
- Fermented soy, like the kind used in miso soup, contains four times more cancer fighters than regular soybeans.
Source: http://www.psychologicalharassment.com/dr-oz-show-cancer-proof-life.htm
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